Part 3: The role of law librarians in the adoption of artificial intelligence in the legal profession

Today we will provide information and reviews about Part 3: The role of law librarians in the adoption of artificial intelligence in the legal profession

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If the length of this post has shown anything, it’s that artificial intelligence in legal research and legal practice is a huge and vast subject that is changing rapidly. Additionally, while large companies have the resources to understand and use AI tools, individual and small firms are at a disadvantage because they lack the time to constantly review and evaluate new tools and the resources to maintain the type of expertise for They do not help inspection tools. For use in your practices as well as for evaluating algorithmic systems that affect customers.

To be fair, there are resources available. Most vendors attend LLP conferences and are eager to demonstrate their products to LLP attorneys. But salespeople are hardly an objective source of information and often oversell the importance of their product. As a quick example, recall the buzz that surrounded Tally’s voice-activated billing software, which seemed to be widely embraced by users and the next big thing. However, Tally was shut down this year, and a recent review by one of the company’s co-founders found that even at its peak, Tally was only adopted by a few hundred users—most of whom had expired after their subscriptions expired. was never extended. . The point here is that vendors and investors are attaching their technology as a highly desirable or disruptive tool that can revolutionize the practice of lawyers—even when the use cases or facts suggest otherwise.

Bar associations also have attorney management consultants who are familiar with new technology. But most LPM consultants have limited time and resources and may not have the ability to test and get feedback on new products. In addition, some bar associations have exclusive contracts with certain vendors and, therefore, may be more inclined to promote those products rather than informing members about all options. Meanwhile, independent technology consultants are often tied to specific companies and products and are often expensive to retain anyway.

Which brings us to the role of law librarians. Now to take a step back, I’ve always found law librarians to be a valuable resource for legal research, when I started my own law firm and used my local law library for research because I couldn’t afford WEXIS, I normally look for I was. Helping law librarians access legislative history and more obscure journals. But as more legal resources became available online and prices dropped, I no longer needed to visit a law library, so law librarians became less relevant and helpful to my legal research.

Now fast forward to today. As discussed, some AI-based legal research tools, such as brief text searches, are available and affordable for LLP lawyers – but LLP lawyers also lack any tools to test the accuracy of these tools. . Meanwhile, other products—such as analytics or contract analysis—may be too expensive for solo and small law firms. This is where law librarians come into play. As academics, law librarians are skeptics willing to question how AI products work and continually evaluate their accuracy. As professors, law librarians benefit from hundreds of subjects—students—who can observe the implementation of these tools and understand which aspects are intuitive and which types of tools require additional legal training to implement effectively. Finally, law librarians are objective and do not favor any particular brand except those that do the best work. And because legal librarians influence purchasing decisions, they may be able to extract inside information from vendor companies about how their technology works.

Many law librarians also worked as lawyers. Based on this experience, they are also adept at evaluating AI practice tools such as form automation or input systems.

The law librarians who attended my panel presentation were incredibly impressive. They were on top of all the technology and used many of these tools—analytical packages and text summaries—in their legal research courses. And they constantly test these tools for accuracy and keep up with the evaluation studies of these products.

As we move toward an AI-driven world, we need to figure out how to engage law librarians to help solopreneurs and small firm attorneys make this transition. Obviously, there are limits to what law librarians can do: after all, there are only so many working hours in a day, and law librarians’ first priority will always be serving existing students. At the same time, law schools also have a commitment to their graduates who practice as solo lawyers and small firms, as well as to broader issues of access to justice. And law schools can accomplish these goals by figuring out how to make law librarians available to help solo and small-firm attorneys—whether by paying them more, allowing graduates to audit legal research classes. taught by law librarians or developing CLE programs for law graduates and employers. Librarians to teach those courses.

AI is here to stay in the legal profession, and the opportunities for AI to improve the quality and reduce the cost of legal services that small firm and sole proprietorship attorneys provide to clients are enormous. But to get to that point, solo and small firm attorneys need support—and law librarians may be able to serve as that missing link.

Read The first part And second part From this post

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