Lawyer Mom Owners Summit: Top Five Reasons Why I Chose the Pandemic to Start Another Legal Conference and Why You Should Join

Today we will provide information and reviews about Lawyer Mom Owners Summit: Top Five Reasons Why I Chose the Pandemic to Start Another Legal Conference and Why You Should Join

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In March, as the coronavirus swept the country, closing courthouses and sending lawyers to work remotely from their offices, virtual conferences and webinars began popping up everywhere. In fact, you can’t spend a moment on social media without being bombarded with an announcement of a free webinar on the issues of COVID-19 or a reminder to sign up for that in-person conference that has since slipped away. I was just as guilty myself. On March 27, 2020, I held a free almost 2-hour webinar on Law in the Time of the Corona Virus.

Fast forward five months and zoom fatigue has become a real thing. We’ve learned that online meetings demand our attention, but somehow they don’t feel the same. In fact, many believe that the atmosphere of face-to-face meetings at booths or trade shows is irreplaceable.

Many of us long for personal connection.

So why would I consider hosting a conference under the dark cloud that has settled over the world of online conferences? And not just host the kind of traditional marketing or basic educational conferences sponsored by legal tech companies and bar associations, but instead to create something that’s never been done before: a summit focused on attorney moms (or practice areas within). companies) and deals with issues related to law and life. Welcome to the first Here are my top ten reasons to throw another online conference into the mix:

Reason #1 – Because the LawyerMomOwner Summit is not “another,” it’s “the only one.”

The main reason I support the LawyerMomOwner Summit now is because I don’t see it as just another conference. On the contrary, it is the only conference of its kind. These days, most legal conferences focus on the core practical areas of marketing and business building with perhaps a little mindset, stress reduction or civility. As I once said it. Of course, we need to know how to run a sustainable method during the pandemic and we want to run profitable companies. But many lawyer-mom-owners (especially those who are single mothers by choice, divorced or widowed) are working to pay for the kids’ college or save for retirement or start a second career—and so they They also have many financial questions. . Lawyer moms struggling to homeschool their kids or have an illness need more than a simple class on relaxation—they get practical advice on how to get through it from others who’ve been there or are doing it now. , they need.

The pandemic has also left many lawyer mothers at a career crossroads. Lawyers who took time off to stay home are either tired of 24/7 with family or worried about needing a second stream of income with an uncertain future. Meanwhile, some lawyer moms who spent 60-hour weeks away from family at the office appreciate the time at home and are considering more flexible career paths. Our transition panel shows you how 8 lawyers from different backgrounds have moved on to new jobs.

And that, my friends, is why we’re not just another conference—we’re the only conference that focuses on law and life. We are not adding to the mass, we are filling a gap.

Reason #2 – Because there has to be a better way Although I’ve always enjoyed face-to-face conferences, I also believed that there needed to be a way to improve them and make them more accessible to all lawyers, and lawyer moms in particular. For example, because conferences are held over the course of a week, they create an opportunity cost for solo and small firm attorneys who not only have to pay for admission but also forgo a billing day to attend. . Many conferences also invite the same speakers over and over again, preferring tried and true people to introducing new faces. And some can’t talk because they don’t get paid.

Meanwhile, at many conferences, for all the talk of face-to-face interaction, the audience may be intimidated about asking a question publicly, so instead of lively discussion, there’s radio silence.

An online conference is inherently forgiving in terms of scheduling and payment. For the LawyerMomOwner Summit, we’ll have evening and daytime programming with breaks when you can return to work or childcare responsibilities. And because the costs of hosting an online conference are lower, the admission fee is affordable (only $39), and as a result, we have developed a business model that enables us to pay speakers.

Reason #3 – To create, not duplicate As I wrote, if we create something new instead of repeating the old, we are more likely to succeed in the new normal. For example, remember the first generation of websites? They were nothing more than glorified flyers with no purpose other than to look good (and they still didn’t look good on paper). Websites really took off when they evolved into something more—blogs, sites for self-serving content to educate clients, and portals to purchase legal services.

Our challenge today is to reimagine the conference. Instead of repeating the online experience, we need to find ways to make it different and interactive. We have already adopted these initiatives for the LawyerMomOwner Summit by offering all attendees the opportunity to record a free video shoot to introduce their law firm or give an elevator pitch. We will have a conference app that lists attendees in a searchable format so they can search for others in similar practice areas and communicate via email. And we’re still adding more, so stay tuned!

Reason #4 – Because everyone talks about diversity and no one does it In the wake of the George Floyd tragedy, corporations and law firms alike have pledged to improve diversity and become anti-racist. As usual, there is a lot of talk right now, but not much action. Many conference panels are still legally made up of white men. And when women or women of color are pushed out, the authoritative talk isn’t about big-picture issues like the future of the law or building sustainable legal practices, but about nuts-and-bolts kind of issues. Our LawyerMomOwnerSummit represents diversity in race, age and practice areas of participants, as well as educational backgrounds, work experience and practice areas. And of course 100% women.

Reason #5 – Because we need to recognize the advocate-mother-owners on the front lines of the pandemic – In most cases, women, including female lawyers, are disproportionately affected by child care coercion. However, even as we know this is happening, the legal profession has been complicit in its silence. Of course, a conference cannot change this overnight. But with 1,000 people coming together, the LawyerMomOwnerSummit is making a statement that lawyer moms are here to take it. We can support and celebrate how amazing these women are. Maybe not much, but a start.

For more information about the summit or to register for just $39, visit our website LawyerMomOwnerSummit Or contact the Caroline Elephant Conference captains at this address [email protected] and Gina Belil in [email protected]. We can also provide you with more information about sponsorship.

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