Improve your health with DNA and epigenetic testing

My Genomics ToolboxIt provides you with specific insights and targeted suggestions that put you in control of your health. We talked together Dr. Erica Gray, Chief Medical Officer and Co-Founder of My Toolbox Genomics which shares insights into what you can discover through genetic testing, epigenetics, and actions to improve your health and wellness.

Can you tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to co-found My Toolbox Genomics?

ToolBox Genomics got off to a rocky start. After my parents took their 23andMe test, they had many questions as they sifted through all the information they received. In addition, we found out that my father is a carrier of APOE, one of the genes that puts you at risk for Alzheimer’s. Immediately, the way I received and understood personal genetic information became very personal to me. My father wanted to know what he could do to minimize the effects of the APOE gene. As a result, I decided to answer one important question: – How can I take this valuable information and turn it into something actionable? My goal was to translate the vast amount of information you get from DNA into something practical, relevant, easy to understand and digest: enter the Genomics ToolBox.

After a few years, we had many consumers asking for a prescription that they could order without a doctor or a doctor. Subsequently, we discovered the best way to provide convincing and actionable test results that do not require immediate medical attention. which became the sister company of Toolbox Genomics My Toolbox.

My ToolBox is designed to help consumers conduct extensive research on their DNA and store all of their information in one app. In addition, we are very excited to offer epigenetic testing. The epigenetic test actually measures something called cpg islands, which tells you how methylated or unmethylated a gene(s) is. Currently, we examine biological age, hearing age, eye age, memory age, inflammation, and many more. We’ve had a lot of doctors interested in the epigenetics side, and then consumers are interested in both.

What sets My Toolbox Genomics apart from other testing services? What makes your service unique?

There are 3 main things: First is our program which includes epigenetics and DNA. The second is personal recommendations and suggestions for improvement. The third risk score is our new virus.

We recently introduced our virus risk score, which takes into account about 60 different genes that may make you more susceptible to viruses, especially viral upper respiratory infections. There are three components to the score, genetics, the air quality where you live – we know that pollution plays a role in oxidative stress, and the third is lifestyle. Your lifestyle is determined through a questionnaire in the program. The beauty of the score is that you can see where you need to focus and then go back and ask the lifestyle questionnaire again to see how you’ve improved your score. In the end, even if you get a bad genetic score, you can work to improve it through your lifestyle component.

Our website is designed to provide the best possible customer service. You often find websites where you can’t reach a human directly, have a conversation and get a response. What we do is we provide a phone number, a chat, email and you can participate in live streaming sessions where you can ask questions, get information and access experts. We go above and beyond the call of duty to stay with people even after they purchase the trial and app.

What kind of information can be discovered through DNA testing, your epigenetic testing, and how can this change the way people live?

You will receive information on various attributes including muscle strength, muscle endurance, recovery rate, injury risk, vitamin deficiencies, heart health, eye health, immunity, mental health. Mental health can be especially helpful right now, determining whether you’re more of a workaholic, how caffeine affects your focus, whether you’re more of a night owl or stork, or more of a Are you a warrior or a worrier? We also found that many people are also interested in skin health and sleep categories.

I find that DNA results highlight areas you already suspect support or further research or provide an explanation behind those nagging questions in the back of your mind but you didn’t know why. It’s very satisfying for people to have that extra information and from there, through our recommendations, you can set your goals, whether it’s overall health, wellness, weight loss, and the app will adjust some of the recommendations for you based on your results.

The results also provide recommendations on nutrition. For example, should you eliminate gluten? Do you need to be more aware when you drink coffee because you are a slow caffeine metabolizer? Do you need extra vitamin D3?

Then you can go further with exercise. What type of muscle fiber do you have and what is the best exercise for you? Are you at greater risk of injury because you are more prone to hyperflexion or overexertion and need more time to recover?

We find that many people use their DNA results to fine-tune their exercise regimens, meal plans, and nutrition plans.

Your results may also prompt further discussion with a doctor. For example, if there are indicators that you are at risk for type 2 diabetes or vitamin D3 deficiency, you may want to talk to your doctor and consider additional lab tests to better understand your risk.

Are there specific personalized actions people can take following their results to improve their health and well-being?

Personalized actions are provided based on your results. For example, you might take this test to understand your susceptibility to various nutrient deficiencies. You may have found yourself constantly struggling with low vitamin D3 results, but now you have an explanation for your results. In your results, you will get a recommendation to start with a relatively low dose of vitamin d3. A lower starting dose is recommended because we want everyone to check with their doctor and make sure they do follow-up labs as well, so they don’t automatically jump to 10,000 IU of vitamin D3. There’s guidance in the recommendations, so you don’t get lost and can take action right away when you get your results.

Which trends and technologies do you expect to see in the coming years?

We will certainly see that the consumer plays a greater role in his health. Technology is improving every year, the cost of various tests is constantly decreasing and becoming more accessible to the consumer. I think we’ll see more companies offering platform integration where you can upload your blood test results, DNA, epigenetics, stool test results and the platform will analyze the data so you can track your health trajectory and progress. look.

I believe consumers will demand a more detailed and accurate view of their health, forcing providers to adapt to these new changes much faster than many of us in healthcare may realize or appreciate. Furthermore, access will play a large role in changing the healthcare landscape. We are now seeing a variety of tests that were once only available by a physician, easily available directly to consumers. As a result, consumers will become even more active and proactive in their health.

In the end, your DNA is really the blueprint of your personality. When you look at a plan for a house, you don’t necessarily know what the house will look like, but you at least have an idea of ​​where the building will be and how it will be structured. However, how you decorate or paint your home is not in these designs. It’s the same for your DNA really, with My Toolbox Genomics you get that information – but how you act on it and design your own health path is very personal, but we want to make your ‘home’ the best place possible. put Property!

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